Sunday, September 1, 2013

The Doubting Hummus.

Day 1 of VeganMoFo has officially begun and I already have become the doubting hummus.

I doubt that I can do this because it's going to be too hard
I doubt I can do this, it's too expensive
I doubt I can do this, my family and friends won't support my decision
I doubt I can do this, I don't have the time with my schedule
I doubt....I doubt....I doubt....I doubt....

It's so weird. I had signed up to be a part of VeganMoFo with no doubts. This was something that I wanted to be a part of and leading a vegan lifestyle was something that I had no doubts about was going to be a huge benefit for my health. VeganMoFo is the start of trying a vegan lifestyle. 

I had expressed my interest in participating in VeganMoFo and my boyfriend encouraged me to give it a go. He even walked me through setting up this blog with me. I don't doubt I have the support of friends and family. 

To prepare for VeganMoFo I knew I needed to get my cupboards and refrigerator in order and look at some basic recipes to get me started. Start with basics - that's usually the best place. Here are some blogs that were helpful and had some great recipes that seemed easy to get started. They helped eliminate the doubt that this was going to be hard.
Armed with my pantry list of items off to the store I went. Talk about a mind melt. This was the most eye opening trip to the store I have ever had. It was no longer a matter of grabbing whatever I wanted off the shelf there was actually going to be some quality time between me and the labels.In the words of Inspector Gadget WOWSERS! After checking out at the store my doubt of this won't fit into my budget was gone. Who knew beans could be so cost effective...that deserves one more...wowsers. 

As I go through the days of VeganMoFo there will be days that I will be the doubting hummus wondering whether or not I can make this change. But I know with the support of friends and family, great recipes and tools shared by others, taking baby steps into the vegan lifestyle the doubt will only be...does the hummus have enough garlic.  


  1. Good luck for VeganMoFo 2013! I hope you can work through your doubts to discover all the wonderful vegan food out there. I promise that finding vegan food in supermarkets gets easier with time and you won't spend half as long reading labels.

  2. Awwww... You can do it! It's great that you've decided to go vegan and it's great you have a supportive boyfriend! Blogging is easier than it seems, too. Just don't compare yourself with other blogs and keep on writing.

  3. How cool! We get to join you on your journey! If you need help, all you have to do is ask! You have now joined a community of vegan bloggers (and vegans) who have pretty much all been through the sometimes difficult initial changes. We're here for you.
